Neuhofen Baptist Church

What's on

All arrangements, unless stated, take place in our church building at Benzstraße 3
Church Service

Sunday 10:00

Running parallel to the church service are children groups and bible class for teenagers.


For children 1-5 yrs. with their mother/father/grandma/grandpa
Thursdays, 16:30 until 18:30 (approx. fortnightly)

Dates: 27.01.,  10.02.,   24.02.,  10.03.,  24.03.,  7.4.,   14.4.,  5.5.,   19.5.,  9.6.,   16.6. Jeweils 16.30 Uhr bis 18.00 Uhr.

Further info: 06236 - 57325


Young People

2 youth groups for guys and girls
(approx. fortnightly):

Bibelpiraten (8-11 yrs.)
1 x each month, on the am 1. Friday in the month from 16.00 - 19.00 Uhr

Bibelkids (6-9 yrs.) (Bible kids)
Thursdays, 16 Uhr
Further info: 06236 - 500461


Bibelchecker (12-15 yrs.)
Fidays, 18 Uhr
Further info: 06235 - 81512


Youth Meeting

Fortnightly, Fridays 20:00

Further info: 06236 - 41096
or directly at Jungscharseite (Youth web site)


Home Group

Our home groups meet every Tuesday evening. We discuss among other things issues that we meet in our life.

Further information: 06236 - 41096

Open Discussion Goups

Meetings for people who are interested or just curious.

Further information: 06236 - 41096

Ladies Meetings

Further information:

0621/ 542561 or 06236/ 57325